Invaluable knowledge – Sharing life experience

In the previous article you already got an insight into the themes of the CREATE platform and we gave you some useful tips & tricks on how to put a good personal story on paper yourself. Meanwhile, we have received quite a few stories and the first stories have found their way onto the test platform. Of course, we proudly presented them during the mid-term review (European assessment of the project). Are you also curious about how we scored?

Emelie Pauwels

A good report

At the beginning of October, the Consortium partners met in Brussels to present the progress and initial results of the CREATE project to the reviewers of AAL (the organization that evaluates and grants European projects). The first version of the test platform was illustrated and the valuable input from our testers was explained. The verdict in a nutshell? ‘Passed with flying colors’. The reviewers were very pleased with the progress of the project and the valuable collaboration with our seniors. One point of interest was their request to include younger generations in the co-creation, because at the end of the day, they will be the ones who can feast on the valuable knowledge and insights of our seniors. They ask, we provide…

Invaluable knowledge

As you already know by now, the CREATE platform aims to share the life experiences of seniors with other generations, through personal stories. Stories that inspire, move and encourage readers to take action and connect.  So to give our seniors some direction, we chose to put forward a few themes: history, culture, travel, fiction and personal stories. But easier said than done. 

Because how do you create a story that encompasses all these qualities (inspires, moves and incites action and connection)? In the previous issue, we already provided some tips & tricks and gave the opportunity to test our framework. But now we want to take a critical look at the stories that were created. We are going to do this in a workshop with bookworms, letterworms and language lovers, that both among our seniors and younger generations. With their input, we are going to see how we can help the users of the CREATE platform even better, both in terms of content and technically. After all, we want to remove as many (if any – all) barriers to sharing your life experience as possible. Because every story is invaluable.

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